The Circle of Light womban circle is a sacred gathering for the womban seeking to restore her self love and her connection to the Divine.
Each Circle is a Collective Ritual using the traditional herbal medicine self-care practice of WombSteaming to heal and activate our connection to each other + to The Roots/Womb of Mother Earth.
You will learn how to connect to your own Internal Guidance to use herbal plants and allies to accelerate your healing and balance.
No 2 circles are the same and each circle is a unique moment curated to address the needs of each woman joined together holding space in the collective.
Circle is an experience of sound, breath, meditation and movement designed to release, balance and energize the mind, body and spirit.
All who identify as Womban are welcome to contribute their energy to the formation of the circle
“We are the Ones we have been waiting for”
Join the Circle of Light